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Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Boy is Turning 3!

My little boy will be 3 on Sunday! I was thinking about how much he’s learned since that first year. One of the biggest milestones is that he’s finally potty trained! It’s soooo nice when he announces (usually to everyone within hearing distance) that he has to pee and runs to the bathroom to relieve himself, and I can keep doing whatever I was doing. And, no more emptying the diaper genie and buying diapers every week. I’ll enjoy it while I can.

After temps reaching 100 degrees last week, today seemed cool in the upper 80s. So, after he took a nap and I was feeling extra refreshed and bold, I brought out the finger paints I had bought for his birthday. I bought a Crayola easel a few weeks ago at a yard sale for $5, and the lady said her two sons used it all the time for finger painting outside. Anyway, he had a blast, but I do hope those washable paints ARE really washable.

I found some ideas for a “construction zone” birthday cake online and will attempt that on Sunday afternoon and post a pic. It looked fairly simple—a cake with chocolate ice topped with a few toy construction vehicles, piles of dirt (oreos), etc. Hope it comes out ok—3 yr olds usually aren’t that picky.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Jacob! Wish we could celebrate with you. You'll have to post pics of the cake.