boy border

Saturday, October 23, 2010

On Bedrest Until Monday

I went to the hospital on Wednesday to have another one of those "stupid tests" that I mentioned earlier, and it turns out that maybe they weren't so useless after all. :)

My amniotic fluid measured border-line low, so I'm on bedrest and supposed to drink a lot of water before Monday, when I go back for another test. The baby is at 36 weeks, so he should be ok if they have to induce early, but it would be best if he could wait a few more weeks. So, I'm trying to be a good girl and rest and drink my water.

A good friend from church is watching my three-year-old today, and hubby went out for groceries and made lunch. A couple friends from my MOPS group have brought over dinner the last two nights. It's a blessing to have good friends when our families both are out-of-state.

1 comment:

Kat Gott said...

I wish I'd known. I would've helped. I'm glad that the test ended up being something that kept both of you safe.