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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Five Most Unuseful Baby Products

I've gone through most of Jacob's baby things to get ready for Lucas's arrival in about 5 weeks, and there are a few things I never used for Jacob and probably still won't again. So, having gone through it once, here's my personal list of most unuseful baby products.

1. Pee Pee Teepees: cloth cone-like things used for catching boys' run-a-way squirts during diaper changing. Cute idea and name, but not really practical. This was a gift, but I never used it.

2. Baby robes: I almost bought one of these as a shower gift before I became a mom because I thought it was really cute. I was given one as a gift and never used it. After all, who let's their baby hang out in a robe after their bath? You just dry them off and put them in a sleeper.

3. Crib quilts: I bought the cutest safari crib quilt and matching bumper set for Jacob. Then I read that blankets and bumpers were safety hazards that could cause the baby to suffocate. And, the bumper is a real nuisance to remove in the middle of the night when the baby pees and you have to change the sheet. So, they went into the closet, and I never used them. I actually tried to hang the quilt on the wall one time for decoration, but it kept falling off (the stickies weren't strong enough to hold it), and I never found a rod to hang it on.

4. Baby shoes for ones who aren't walking: I was given a few pair of shoes as parts of outfits, and Jacob never wore them. I can see where you might want to buy shoes for a girl to wear with a fancy dress, but otherwise, what's the point?

5. Baby oil and powder: I got a couple packages with the whole set of Johnson and Johnson body wash/lotion/oil/powder. I never used the oil or the powder.  They tell you not to put a bunch of extra "stuff" on a baby's skin, so I just used the basic body wash and lotion. I came across a couple bottles of the oil and powder when I was cleaning out Jacob's things. I actually tried the oil on my dry skin the next day, and it turned red, so I'll probably throw it in the trash.


Kat Gott said...

Pee Pee Teepees, huh? That's the first I've ever heard of them! All you need to do is keep him covered with the old diaper until you slip on the new. It's just a quick wipe-cover manuever. The experienced mom knows all these things, but products like this are for the new mom who isn't sure yet what she needs.

I never did the robe or the quilt either. Our room stayed warm, so I didn't have to cover him. And we always just wrapped him in a towel until we got over to where we were going to dress him. Even so, my aunt is pregnant, and I almost bought a robe for her baby. They are really cute.

He had a pair of shoes that matched his outfit we brought him home from the hospital in. I don't think he wore shoes again until he was walking. I agree -- they tend to be cute, but very useless.

Baby oil is too greasy, and powder can be choking if not used properly. My favorite thing was the lavender-scented lotion. I didn't put it on all the time, just when I gave him a massage. He loved the deep pressure, and I just loved touching him! Is there anything more fun that learning every inch of your new baby? All the wrinkles and the tiny, tiny toes... God really knew what he was doing. Babies can be the most annoying, demanding creatures on earth, so He made them irresistibly cute so that we'd ignore all the frustration.

You should post the other side, the 5 most useful products. My list would have:

Cloth diapers - Not as a diaper, but it makes an awesome burp cloth. They're so absorbant and soft. Christian ended up using them as a type of security blanket. I give them to every new mom!

Safety Q-Tips - Having poked myself in the ear drum once, I was terrified of cleaning my baby's ears!!! But I kept seeing gunk in them. When I discovered they made baby ones that were too big to fit into the canal, I was elated! I still use them.

Lavender-Scented Baby Lotion - It doesn't leave the skin oily or sticky. Giving baby a soothing massage is like therapy for the exhausted soul. When baby's relaxed, Mama can relax.

Tear-Free Shampoo - No explanation needed.

Time - This one, unfortunately, cannot be bought at any price. So you just have to enjoy every moment because they pass far too quickly.

Jenny said...

Thanks, Kat. Looks like I don't need to publish a Best Gifts list, since you already did! I'd also list disposable diapers as one of the most useful gifts. You use A LOT of them, and especially with a second baby, when you don't know what they already have, you know they'll use them.

Kat Gott said...

That's true about diapers. My Aunt is getting ready to have her first, and she's going old-school-style (saving the planet). I can't even imagine...

I'm sorry if I stole your thunder about the 'Best Products' list. I'd still love to hear what you found most useful.

Jenny said...

No, you didn't steal my thunder! I love your list. You listed "time", and what I considered one of the best gifts was when some mom friends brought over dinner. Related to that, I think giving a "coupon" for a couple hours of housework would be great. You're always so exhausted those first few months.

I made a hooded towel out of a regular-sized bath towel and a washcloth for the hood, and I've used it for Jacob, and now Lucas, since they were a few months old. They outgrow the baby ones so fast, and these are so much heavier. Jacob still uses his at 3 1/2 yrs, but it's getting worn.

Oh, I also love the wearable blanksts. We had a cold house this winter, and I wouldn't have minded curling up in one myself!