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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Stay-at-Home / Work-at-Office Dilemna

After I had my first son, my company let me switch to working part-time and mostly from home. Most of my work (marketing) can be done online, so it worked out well. That was what I considered the best of both worlds. Working provided a break from 24/7 mothering, and I only had to place my son in daycare for 5 hrs a day. Better yet, the in-home daycare is less than a mile down the road and owned by a wonderful lady.

But, things have changed, as all things do. I no longer have the option to work from home, and the commute is an hour each way. And, with another baby coming in November, we'd have double the daycare costs, not to mention the reluctance I have to put them both in daycare.

So, I've been thinking/praying about options for quite a while. 

I WOULD be interested in hearing from stay-at-home moms who've found a way to supplement their family's income from home. We all know there are a lot of schemes out there, but what has worked for you?

Oh, here's an interesting article I came across today on Yahoo! Finance about how to make money online. I'm convinced that some of the best "work-from-home" opportunities come from an employer you already have established a good relationship with. That's how it worked out for me.  But, I'm always open to other possibilities.


Melissa said...

If you are feeling crafty you could check out a store on Etsy. Several of my friends have a supplemental income from their stores on

Jenny said...

Yes, I love that site. Unfortunately, other than a hooded towel now and then, I don't do crafts. I guess I've scrapbooked, but there's barely time to get my own done. I've thought about the writings sites like eHow.

Kat Gott said...

I tried selling Mary Kay. The thing is, you NEED to have the right personality for that! You need to be confident enough to go into people's homes and convince them (especially in our present economy) that they need what you're selling more than the money. You also have to have dedication and drive to maintain your business and make it profitable. All of these qualities, I have not. LOL I was convinced how much better it is to keep product on your shelf, and spent $1,000 stocking up. Now I'm stuck with a lot of product and I'm down $1,000. Oh well, live and learn, right? Good luck with whatever you decide!!! I know that He'll guide your paths, if you trust Him.

Jenny said...

Kat, yes I've always thought that would be the hard part about selling Mary Kay or Pampered Chef or about anything like that. They're nice products, but they're not like something you absolutely need. And, I'm not a very good salesperson, either. Speaking of Mary Kay, though, I still use the foundation and timewise cleanser and moisturizer. Have pretty much cut out the other things because of expense. If you have some that you'd like to get rid of, email me on FB, and I might buy some from you.

Kat Gott said...

I will definitely do that! And I think you'll be pleased with my prices. I'm trying to recover my losses, so I'm not too worried about making a profit.