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Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's Another Boy!

I had an ultrasound this week, and we found out we're having another boy! Still due around Thanksgiving. I must admit, I'd been entertaining thoughts of pink outfits and girly stuff, and really thought it would be a girl. Even had a dream the night before that it was a girl. WRONG! But, now I can say I'm just as happy with another boy, and I know that is right for our family. And, Jacob will be thrilled with a brother to grow up with. I remember saying in college that I'd like the chance to raise up some good, Godly men. So here's my chance! God, give us wisdom and direction--but first help me find where we stashed away all those baby clothes!

1 comment:

Kat Gott said...

I've just found your blog, and I'm starting at the beginning! I look forward to getting to know you better!!!