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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Four Years Old and Starting School

Jacob turned four years old this summer, and that meant the start of three new things for him last week--preschool, pee wee soccer, and Rainbows (a class every Wednesday night at church). He loves each one, so I hope it continues!

We decided to send Jacob to the local public preschool. It's free, and I've heard good things about the school. We met the teachers last week, and they seem to really love the kids. He only goes for 2 1/2 hours in the mornings, but on days when I can get Lucas to nap for an hour, I feel like a new woman!  And, he gets to do the fun activities that I don't have time to do.

This week, I started letting him ride the bus, and he loves it. It's only about a 10-minute ride, and the prek kids sit in the front. I took him the first week by car but realized I was the only parent who did that and decided to loosen up. One of my girlfriends asked me, "Aren't you a little sad, though, that he's growing up?" I said, "No, I think I'm really going to like this stage." And, I think I will.

One of my mom friends talked me into letting Jacob play pee wee soccer this fall. I now understand why you have to be five years old for most organized sports, but he has a great time running around and learning the basics. About 30-40 kids (ages 2-4) are there with their parents, and the coach yells out instructions for each drill, with only about half of them actually doing what the coach asks. It's pretty chaotic, but at least it introduces him to the sport and gives him some exercise.

We're also trying to go back to church on Wednesday nights. Nelson and I are going to alternate weeks until Lucas starts going to bed later. They have a class for 3-4 year olds called Rainbows, which is kind of like a Christian scouting program. He'll earn badges for learning Bible verses and doing activities.

Anyway, I feel like we're entering a new stage as a family, and I think we'll enjoy it. What stage of your kids' lives did you like best?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love that my kids are older! It seems to get easier each year! Post pics of soccer!