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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Getting Rid of the Baby Stuff: Yard Sale, Consign, Craigs List, or Give Away?

I'm thinking about having a yard sale this summer. Lucas is already in 6-9 mth clothes, so I imagine he'll be in 12 mth clothes by summer. So, between the two boys, I have quite a few baby clothes. A few were never worn (wrong size/season for both of them), some were worn only a couple times, several are only worth about 25-50 cents, and some are ready for the rag drawer. So, thinking through my de-cluttering options, it looks like they are:
  • Yard Sale
  • Consignment
  • Craigs List
  • Give Away
Yard Sale
The thought of organizing and cleaning out actually gives me an emotional high. I love it! But, there's the time factor--not just for pricing, but sitting outside for an entire day with two young boys and figuring out how to organize it. I went to a yard sale a couple years ago where they put most of the baby clothes out on a sheet and charged $5 for a filled grocery bag. That sounds like a good idea, and I could price the new things separately.  I could take anything that didn't sell to the crisis pregnancy center or local thrift store.

I went to a local consignment store last week, and the prices for baby clothes were comparable to outfits I could buy new at Children's Place when they have a good sale. So, I doubt I'll go back to buy anything, and I doubt I would get much by trying to sell the new clothes through them.

Craigs List
I've never actually sold anything on Craigs List, but I might look into it for the new items. Don't know. Maybe I'll wait and see if they sell in a yard sale. It doesn't cost anything to post items.

Give Away
My sister-in-law is having a baby in July, so if it's a boy, I'll give a lot of things to her. Several people have told me it's easier to just give things away than mess with a yard sale. By the time summer rolls around, I might have decided to do that as well.

How do you get rid of your kids' clothes?


Melissa said...

I normally give their clothes away, but sometimes sell the nicer ones to Once Upon A Child. We've never made enough at a yard sale to be worth the time and effort. :)

Dotty Dot Dot said...


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1) Make your Header wider to fit your blog's entire width.
2) Change your Blog's entire width to be the width of your Header.

Make sense? Hope I helped some.

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Jenny said...

Thanks, Ashlie. I tried that by making it longer with the ends transparent, but they looked white. Then, I found this page that provides the HTML code. Here it is, in case anyone asks. Worked perfectly!

Suzanne Wesley said...

I only have luck with Once Upon a Child if they have advertised for a specific thing. Pre-Christmas they were wanting toys and Christmas themed clothing. I sold maybe $20 worth? Previously I had taken 2 totes of infant clothing and they bought maybe $6 worth? Didn't matter that many were brand name. If they already have a lot of something they just don't buy. I live in a subdivision and have pretty good luck with a yearly yard sale. Especially if you can advertise multi-family or specific baby items such as infant swings etc. This year I will be a little teary as I put the high chair up for sale! Sniff. sniff.

Jenny said...

Thanks, Suzanne. Melissa, we always lived in the country, and nobody came to our yard sales growing up. But, we live in a subdivision now, with a lot of young families, so I thought it might be more successful. Whether my sister-in-law has a boy or girl in July will determine how much I have left over to get rid of, so I guess I'll wait until then.

Kat Gott said...

Here's an idea:

Jenny said...

Yes, I signed up for freecycle about a year ago, but I was getting tons of emails every day. Someone suggested I set up a separate email account just for freecyle, but I thought all the emails were overwhelming, so I unsubscribed. It's a great concept, though. Between family and my moms group, I imagine I'll be able to get rid of them.

Kat Gott said...

I just signed up for Freecycle, and I know what you mean. I think I'm going to end unsubscribing, too.